Palmar metacarpal arteries

Artery: Palmar metacarpal arteries
Ulnar and radial arteries. Deep view. (Volar metacarpal visible at bottom center.)
Latin arteriae metacarpales palmares, arteriae metacarpeae volares
Gray's subject #151 595
Source deep palmar arch   
Vein palmar metacarpal veins

The palmar metacarpal arteries (volar metacarpal arteries, palmar interosseous arteries), three or four in number, arise from the convexity of the deep volar arch

They run distally upon the Interossei, and anastomose at the clefts of the fingers with the common digital branches of the superficial volar arch.

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This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained within it may be outdated.